Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spiritual Food

Ahhhh....yes. Here we go with food again. Only this is a little bit different. I'm talking about spiritual food that contains no calories and will help with every situation.

There are numerous outlets for gaining knowledge and more of an understanding about the Kingdom.  The people on my list come from all different walks of life and some are definitely more spicier than others. But I figured I would share so you know where most of my inspiration comes from while writing this blog. I'm sure I'll have more to add as the year progresses but for now, here are my favorites:

  • The Bible. Well this one is obvious but just like many other people out can be a difficult read. There are some things that I don't understand but in time, I'm hope I can gain a better understanding the more I mature in the Lord.

  • Allen Jackson from World Outreach Church. He has a nice hint of a southern accent and I just can't get enough of his sarcastic humor. He has really helped me grow as a Christian and I have shared his teachings with my family as well. He's was the first person I really connected to on a TV media platform and this summer I plan on taking a road trip to see him in Tennessee.

  • Joyce Meyer is quickly becoming my new favorite. I have been reading her devotionals for a year now and while watching her sermons, I didn't realize how down-to-earth-in-your-face she is! I love it and she has an easy way for you to walk away ready to conquer anything. She's holding a conference in a city near me this spring and I can't wait to see her live!

  • David Jeremiah has the voice of a soothing angel. He has a lot of seniority compared to the others on the list and I would love to have half the patience I think he has. His approach is very real and I love the real stories he incorporates into his messages. 

  • T.D. Jakes from the Potter's House. Wow! Is he a firecracker! I love his excitement in voice. He makes me want to jump out of my chair and clap my hands and say, "Thank you Lord!" I love to listen to him if I need a little pick me up or need some excitement. 

  • Chad Brown is the pastor of my church. He is inspirational and very much  in tuned when he gets going.  He's very modern and extremely truthful. I first heard his voice and his message on the radio when I was an unbeliever and I said to myself if I ever went to church, I would go to his. Three years later, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and stepped foot into Cornerstone and have been there ever since. 

Feel free to comment if you have any recommendations. I hope this short list will help you on your journey.

God Bless!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letting Go

One of the hardest things I had to do as a Christian was letting go. Letting go of worries of money, situations out of my control, even relationships that are strained.  I'll admit that it was one the hardest things I did, yet I always wonder why did it take me so long to do it.

I didn't grow up with God in my life as a child. I only discovered Him a year ago. Since then, it has been such an amazing journey and now I actually see the world so differently. Death does not have the same impact it did on me when I was a kid. Yes it is still sad and I will miss that person, but if they are believers, then I look at it as they have graduated to the next step and when it's my turn, I'll see them again and celebrate. 

Money does not have the same meaning either. I don't have a lot of it. I live a modest life but I am very obedient about giving to the Church and any other causes that will benefit His kingdom. It's incredible to see what God can do in your life when you become obedient. I have been tested several times in this matter and each an every single time He has delivered. 

But the biggest thing is if any situation I face and am having a difficult time with, I just give it to Him. I lay it at His feet and let Him handle it. The moment I discovered that, was the moment my life became stress-free and not a worry in the world. I pray and I wait. It's incredible to watch what happens next. It's as if a 50 pound weight has been lifted and I can breathe. I don't know why anyone would want to live a life thinking they have to handle it all on their own. I was there and believe's no fun. Now this may mean that you may have to give up some things, sacrifice a little, but God will a-l-w-a-y-s take care of your needs.

Here's the thing. God has a plan for my life and for yours. Worrying about something doesn't do anything but add stress. Here's one of my favorite passages about worrying: 

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Matthew 6:25-27
So you see worrying is a waste of time. I challenge you to give all your worries and concerns to God. Just let it all go. He wants you to live a happy and righteous life because His plan is so much better for you than your own.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Me + Self-Control

self–con·trol- noun \-kən-ˈtrōl\ : restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires

I’ve discovered lately that self-control is actually my friend—not my enemy. By allowing myself to completely trust in God with my food choices and portions, I am learning that I am not as hungry as I thought I was. One of the best feelings so far is that if I do indulge in something sweet, I pray for control and I eat it and done. I’m no longer being controlled by food; I am controlling the food I eat. So me and self-control, we are like two peas in a pod--my new best friend so-to-speak. Just from these few days of eating healthier I'm having so much more energy and last night was one of the best night sleeps I’ve had in a long time.

What I love most about this new chapter is I feel it's a wonderful relationship we've got going on. With my wanting to change and God's ability to change me, how can it fail? It can only fail if I allow it to. Yes God can change people but there has to be some desire of it because He respects your free will. I want to live up to my end of the bargain....we all know that God can live up to His. 

Here's Joyce's video Part 1 & 2.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Daily Devotional

This year one of the things I'm focusing on is using my words correctly. Trying not to say things I don't mean. Realizing how powerful words are and the damage or the motivation they can carry is tremendous. Seems how I'm being completely honest here, I'm not feeling like my normal thought-provoking-God-seeking self. So today I will leave you with a devotional from Joyce Meyer's "Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Every Evening of the Year" and see what thoughts you have for yourself.

You Can Have a New Beginning--January 1
"Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing!" Isaiah 43:18-19
God created us to need new beginnings--places where we can release our faith and say, "This is a place of new beginnings for me, a place to have a fresh start." The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.
You can experience the abundat life Jesus says you can have, but it requires making a decision to let go of the past. Unless you refuse to go on the way you have been, no change will come. God wants to change things for you, but He is waiting for your total cooperation.
Seldom do your circumstances change without something first changing in you. So if you want to experience God's "new thing" this year, release your faith right now and say, "This is a place of new beginnings for me." Then watch for the results.

Have a happy Monday!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Surrendering Hunger

Yesterday at during my break, I logged on to Pinterest and started pinning clean eating recipes and other recipes that didn't contain meat. I am finally ready to start working on getting my body back on track and providing a healthy temple for the Holy Spirit.

I started reading a devotional called, “Surrendering Hunger,” by Jan Johnson to help me with my eating habits. At first I was a little hesitant to read it because I was having a difficult time relating to the author. But as I continue to push pass our differences, she does have some insightful devotions.

My eating background in a nutshell: I LOVE FOOD. I love to cook it, talk about it, describe it, oh and most of all eat it. I love meat, rice, chocolate, and anything sweet. And there is my problem. I can’t just eat one brownie. I have to eat six even though I can’t possibly shove another one in my mouth. I have such passion for it which is why it is so difficult for me to portion control myself.

But one thing that is really jumping out at me while reading this is that I live by the motto, “I live to eat.” Just as soon as breakfast is over, I’m looking forward to lunch and I’m even more exited for dinner and then dessert. I have been counting down to the Super Bowl since before Christmas because I can’t wait to indulge in junk food.

I want my motto to change to, “I eat to live.”

If God provides me with food, then surely He can provide a way for me to control myself and my portions. I just need to stop breaking the promises I've made to myself and start trusting God will take care of me because He never breaks His promises. I think that's what happens when you try to do something on your own without God's help--a slew of broken promises which results in failure. Not this time!

So here’s to a new outlook, a new motto, and most of all a deeper understanding and connection with the Holy Spirit!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

One Decision

I would be very interested in attempting to see how many decisions are made in one day. I think it would be very difficult to count them all. The decision to get out of bed. What to wear. What to have for breakfast. Do I fill up the gas tank now or wait and see if gas will go down the next day (yeah right). And those are just baby decisions. There are some bigger decisions that have to be made on a daily basis as well. And that is just one day out of 11,315 days of my life and making decisions.

I can honestly say that out of ALL the decisions I have made, whether good or bad, right or wrong, the absolute B-E-S-T decision I have ever made or will ever make is the decision to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. What’s amazing about that decision is I am forever saved.

Heaven is celebrating because of ONE decision. Mine. And it’s the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced.  And of course there are no words to describe it. If I am ever looking for answers to any decision I face, I don’t look around—I look up!

Have you made the decision yet? 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

When God Whispers Loudly

This morning was just like any other morning. Wake up late, let the dogs out, shower, drop off my step-child at school, and drive to work. I sometimes take for granted my routine. I sometimes take for granted all the little things in life. Last night I read a short story called, When God Whispers Loudly, by Chris M. Hibbard.  It was a short, meaningful read that was very thought provoking—but of course it took some time for it to really sink in. 

There are some days I get frustrated and hurry up to finish whatever I’m doing so I can move on to the next thing on my list. This year I am really trying to work on taking the time to stop and listen to God’s voice. Hear His direction and get a new perspective and understanding.

After reading this story, I realized there are always going to be good and bad days. There are always going to be things that I can’t cross off the list. There are always going to be certain situations I can’t avoid and I have to rely on the Holy Spirit to get me through it. The difference in thought however is what would happen if all that came to a crashing halt. What if I woke up and realized I lost 15 years of my life? It's only when facing a tragedy is when people realize how blessed they truly are. "What I wouldn't give to be able to walk to the mailbox" says a woman who is committed to her wheelchair. I would rather deal with my bad days knowing God is right there beside me getting me though it than having a great day and not having Him to thank for it.

Today I will not get caught up in my “usual routine.” Today I will take my time and enjoy everything that I see and try to view it in a different way. Today I will not take for granted my life because in an instant….it all could be gone.

Here’s the link to the story if it peaks your interest:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Being Content with What You Have

This past weekend I started to look at my home and all the things in it from an entirely different perspective. I used to always look at my home and wish I had better decorating abilities. Fancier furniture. Prettier appliances. Then it went even further and wishing I had better clothes in my closet. I recalled Luke 16:10  “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

That’s when a light bulb went off. I have been blessed with my home and all the things in it. Do I really take care of my home? Do I have too much stuff in it that makes it harder to keep clean? Why ask God for something better if I don’t take care of what I have? That was my weekend revelation.

God is so amazing in helping me understand His principles. The hardest thing for me is to act on them. Next is to explain to my family why we don’t need this stuff. The irony of this entire revelation is my house is looking more and more beautiful, with less stuff in it. And as a bonus, the people at the local Care and Share are getting some things to help people in need.

So today's question.....are you content with what you have? Are you taking good care of what God has given you? I know I need to take take care of my body better but that's an entirely different post.

What an incredible God we serve!

Monday, January 21, 2013

You Want to be Blessed?

“You want to be blessed….give yourself to being a blessing.” Those are true words spoken by Allen Jackson of World Outreach Church (God Perspectives, Jan. 6 2013). In what ways can you honestly say that you are a blessing to others? I know that in the beginning, I was so selfish and it’s hard not to be—we are born that way. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit that will break down our selfish walls and be a joy and a light for others to see.

I actually enjoy helping others but I’m the first to admit that I don’t do it as often as I should—let me rephrase. I don’t help as many strangers as I should. I always try to be a blessing for my family and friends, but to complete strangers that may be having a bad day….I don’t do it as much as I should.  My goal is not to guilt trip. My goal is to make people aware (myself included ) that it’s not always about me or my feelings.  It’s about helping others and spreading the love. The love of Jesus Christ.

Today’s self-assignment: be a blessing to someone today. You never know the impact of what one small thing can do.

Where it all Starts

Many times throughout the day I have thoughts that I would like to express but sometimes it's very hard to articulate. Therefore, why not sit behind a computer with an anonymous name and shout it out to cyberspace? Seems like a fairly legit reason. Let's see how this whole thing pans out.

The one and only reason for this blog is to share my personal journey with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This blog is for Him and what He's doing in my life. I can't wait to see where He leads me on HIS journey.....