Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Romans 8:28

"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28. I have repeated and written it down hundreds of times to try to memorize it. Romans 8:28 is our verse we as a church are attempting to memorize. I literally only have 4 verses memorized. I don't know how people can spout off a ton of verses during any random conversation and not miss a beat, but I'm okay with slowly learning.

The more this verse sinks in, the more I enjoy it. Here's my attempt of the breakdown and why I'm loving it.

And we know that in ALL things: did you notice that? A-L-L things. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Just because we are believers doesn't mean that bad or ugly things won't happen to us. For such a small, three-lettered word it really does have such a huge impact because ALL things are made up of everything.

God works for the good of those who love Him: If you are a God-seeker, then you will want to do good in the eyes of the Lord and in turn, the Lord will bless you because of His undeniable love He has for us. Love...another powerful word.

Who have been called according to His purpose: This really is the icing on the cupcake. When I realized that I was put here for a reason...a purpose...not my purpose....but His purpose it all makes sense. If I have been created, then clearly the CREATOR knows a lot more than me and has everything all planned out. So why would I not want to live according to His purpose instead of my own? I know what my life was like without Jesus and with Jesus and believe me.....with Jesus it's better. Why? Because the worst day is better with Him than any good day without Him.

What is your favorite bible verse?

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