Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Testimonials--Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

Lately, I've been really interested in hearing how people get saved. I love hearing how each story is so unique to them and in all honesty, why wouldn't it be? That's the God we serve. Everything He does is unique and individualized to us. He knows exactly how to reach each and every single one of us because He created us!

I, along with many millions of other people, love watching Ducky Dynasty. The first episode I saw, I enjoyed it but it wasn't until the very end when they all came together for dinner and prayed. That was when I really thought this show has a much deeper level. I wish there were more shows out there that are more family friendly and inspiring than watching some trashy show of their train-wrecked life.

Whenever discussing this show with my circle of friends, they always ask me who my favorite person is. Each person brings a unique flavor but I must admit it's Phil. What I love about Phil are his views of the world and how passionate he is about the Lord. What he tries to instill in his grandchildren is what I think is missing in many families these days. Here is interview about his journey:

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