Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bridge to Heaven

You know that saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words." Well I believe it with all my heart. People cherish photos because it is one instance where a moment of time is captured. I have seen some of the most incredible photos lately of the cross and this photo is not only mind blowing, but also the quote. 

I was scrolling through some inspirational images from The Bible Series' website and this stopped me in my tracks....well honestly several stopped me and I'll be sharing those with you as well but this one gave me goose bumps. 

Behold my dear readers........

In this life, only one Man can make a bridge to Heaven, and he did it with only two pieces of wood.

It's so true when you think about it. There's only one way to heaven. Let's pretend that on the left side there is sin and on the right side is heaven. But what is separating between the right and left in an enormous gap that can't be crossed on your own. There's no swing, no boat, no ladder....nothing to get you across other than believing in Jesus. He's the bridge. He's the answer. He's the reason.

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