Relax! God is Working--March 19
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]" Matthew 11:28
Being relaxed feels wonderful. Being nervous, tense, and worried are not so wonderful. Why aren't more people relaxed? Jesus said if we are weary and overburdened, we should go to Him and He will give us rest, relaxation, and ease (see Matt. 11:28-29). Jesus wants to teach us the right way to live, which is different from the way most of the world lives.
It would be putting it mildly to say that I was an uptight woman for the first half of my life. I simply did not know how to relax, and it was due to me not being willing to completely trust God. I trusted God for things, but not in things. I kept trying to be the one in control. Even though God was in the driver's seat of my life, I kept one hand on the wheel just in case He took a wrong turn. Relaxation is impossible without trust!
If you know you can't fix the problem you have, then why not relax while God is working on it? It sounds easy, but it took many years for me to be able to do this. I know from experience that the ability to relax and go with the flow in life is dependent upon our willingness to trust God completely. If things don't go your way, instead of being upset, you can believe that getting your way was not what you needed. God knew that, so He gave you what was best for you, instead of what you wanted.
If you are waiting much longer than you had hoped to, you can get frustrated, angry, and upset or you can say, "God's timing is perfect; He is never late. And my steps are ordered by the Lord." Now you can relax and simply go with the flow of what is happening in your life. When it comes to things that are out of our control, we can either ruin the day or relax and enjoy it while God is working on the situation. As long as we believe, God keeps working!
Trust in Him: How relaxed are you? Your answer is directly related to how much you trust God. It may take you many years like it did me, to fully trust Him, but each day will be better and better as you trust more and learn to relax.
After reading this twice, typing it, and praying about it over my morning exercise, I will let go, relax, and know that God is in control. As a step-parent, I don't have a say over many things because there are other parents involved. It's difficult being a step-parent but knowing some of the situations that arise will be out of my control is something that I'm going to have to give to God and know that He's taking care of it. I am considering all these situations as a way of Him teaching me how to handle my own children--someday.
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