Friday, May 17, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Grand Rapids 2013

Yesterday marked our first Christian experience at a M-a-j-o-r event! We were so blessed to be able to attend a Joyce Meyer Conference. It was out of this world! And best of all--my husband loved it and would love to see her again!

Her message last night was about Live 2 Love. It's something that some people admit, claim, and state that they do.....but do they really? I know I don't. I've mentioned before about struggling to do this. As a Christian, we are called to love others--just as Jesus loves us. But some of the problems we face are being quick to judge, never admit when wrong, and pointing fingers. One thing that really stuck out to me last night was that we need to make efforts even when we don't feel like it. We are born inherently selfish and self-centered so we must choose to do these things. Oh and work it at it because this doesn't come naturally to no one.

What I love about Joyce is the fact that she has tried everything else and nothing worked. And because she doesn't preach on anything she hasn't experienced first-hand, she's much happier trying to be a blessing to others rather than always asking God for blessings.

The music was wonderful and what I loved most was seeing my husband notice all the different types of people who where there. It seemed to really connect with him. What I loved most was being around that many Christians worshiping and growing in the Lord--oh and not to mention how many lives were saved when they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That right there is the most important decision one person could EVER make in his/her lifetime.

I'm not going to elaborate how my vehicle broke down several thousand times and taking over 3 hours to get home when it only took an hour to get there. I also won't mention the fact that we ate at the worst McDonald's ever and witnessed one of the meanest people to work for. I will skip the part that my vehicle was chugging so hard that it made us nauseous. But I will mention that my husband and I made wonderful memories. I thanked the Lord about 100 times last night when we made it home safe and sound. Because no matter how bad you think your life is or the situation you are facing--always remember there is someone out there who has it ten times worse.

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