Friday, May 17, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Grand Rapids 2013

Yesterday marked our first Christian experience at a M-a-j-o-r event! We were so blessed to be able to attend a Joyce Meyer Conference. It was out of this world! And best of all--my husband loved it and would love to see her again!

Her message last night was about Live 2 Love. It's something that some people admit, claim, and state that they do.....but do they really? I know I don't. I've mentioned before about struggling to do this. As a Christian, we are called to love others--just as Jesus loves us. But some of the problems we face are being quick to judge, never admit when wrong, and pointing fingers. One thing that really stuck out to me last night was that we need to make efforts even when we don't feel like it. We are born inherently selfish and self-centered so we must choose to do these things. Oh and work it at it because this doesn't come naturally to no one.

What I love about Joyce is the fact that she has tried everything else and nothing worked. And because she doesn't preach on anything she hasn't experienced first-hand, she's much happier trying to be a blessing to others rather than always asking God for blessings.

The music was wonderful and what I loved most was seeing my husband notice all the different types of people who where there. It seemed to really connect with him. What I loved most was being around that many Christians worshiping and growing in the Lord--oh and not to mention how many lives were saved when they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That right there is the most important decision one person could EVER make in his/her lifetime.

I'm not going to elaborate how my vehicle broke down several thousand times and taking over 3 hours to get home when it only took an hour to get there. I also won't mention the fact that we ate at the worst McDonald's ever and witnessed one of the meanest people to work for. I will skip the part that my vehicle was chugging so hard that it made us nauseous. But I will mention that my husband and I made wonderful memories. I thanked the Lord about 100 times last night when we made it home safe and sound. Because no matter how bad you think your life is or the situation you are facing--always remember there is someone out there who has it ten times worse.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Adoption Journey (part 1)

Remember a while back when I shared with you the book, "When God Whispers Loudly?" Well that is something that has definitely been going on in my life. God is whispering--VERY LOUDLY! Let me back up a year ago. My husband and I looked into adopting last year...around this time actually. I somehow ended up on this website that shows how many older children are available for adoption and right then and there my heart sank. 

I couldn't get past the thought of "not one single person in their family wants to take care of them." As I started doing research, I noticed that more and more people tend to think it's the children's fault why they are in the system when in all actuality, it's the parent's fault for not being able to take care of them and if a child does act up--I can't blame them. I can only image what it would be like living in so many different foster homes and not having a place to call your home. 

So we started filing out paperwork to adopt an older child and even had a certain child in mind. Someone we could love unconditionally and support. We called an agency and right away we were hit with roadblocks. There were a number of things that were against us and then I prayed. I prayed so hard it hurt. I asked God to show me a sign--literally--to see if we were supposed to take this walk. You may think it's crazy but on the way to work on a Friday I asked God to show me an "Adopt-a-Highway" sign. I looked so hard on my way to work that I got a headache. I saw nothing all day and I had a feeling that this was not the right time. That was on Friday--by Sunday I accepted the fact that it's not God's will for us and boom--there were SIX--count them--1-2-3-4-5-6 Adopt-a-Highway signs I counted on our way to church and one just before the church!

I could not believe how many there were and driving that drive for years, I have never bother to count or can tell you where they were. But that morning, I believe God had removed the shield from my eyes and I was able to see them. Fast forward two months later. My husband's ex-wife called and said she was moving and didn't want to take their daughter with her. So we had an unexpected member of the family living with us. One night while playing basketball, I ran and got the ball and somehow realized that we were not supposed to adopt an older child through the system--HE was preparing us for an older child that just so happens to be my husband's daughter. I cried when I realized His plans for us and was so grateful when I finally made sense of it all. I often think of the older child who started this idea of adoption and I pray from him. All.the.time. He has such a special place in my heart and I hope one day I get to meet him in heaven. 

Now here we are in May and God has made it obvious that we are in the right place for adoption--only this time an infant. We have made it official with our family and closest friends and we have our first meeting with the social worker next week. We are already three times further along in the process this time around and we are so excited. I will save all the details regarding the loud whispers that lead us to try this again on a different blog post. But in the meantime, I give nothing but praise to the Lord that He has called us to adopt!!! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Driving Parked Cars

When I read this, I just about sank into my chair. I wonder how many of us say, "Yes I trust God" but really we are a little afraid or even worried to actually live out our faith. I know that I battle with myself constantly but it is something I'm learning to give up and reap the rewards. If we are willing, HE is able. And that's when the light bulb went off!

I love how God is not forceful. I love how the Holy Spirit will not take control of us without our saying, "Yes, please do come in." The Holy Spirit has such nice manners. If we are not willing to do our part, then why should He? Another way to think about it is if you're in a relationship how fair is it for your partner to do 90 percent of the work while you only do 10 percent? It's not and sooner or later the relationship will fail. If a relationship is supposed to be 50/50 then I want to make sure that I'm doing my part to not only better myself but for His kingdom.

But that's the thing about having a relationship with God, even though He does way more for us than we could ever image, all He asks of us is to believe in Him and love. Do you have that friend or family member that has anything or everything they ever wanted and it's either their birthday or Christmas and you ask yourself, "What do you buy for someone who has everything?" Well how about spending time together. Making memories. That's kind of how I think about giving back to God. What in the world can I give to the One Who created everything??

My love. My trust. My belief in Him.

But part of loving, trusting, and believing is letting Him guide you. Let down your walls and let Him lead.....believe will be better than you can ever imagine.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Morning Run: My Alone Time with God

Lately the events in my life have become
 M-A-J-O-R! Yesterday on facebook I posted a status that said,

"I have experienced it firsthand--if you are obedient to God, He will rain blessings on you. For this, I am so thankful for!"

And it is so true. As I discover my walk with Christ, it is so much easier if I follow His direction. I have been doing that. I pray to hear His voice. I pray that I am sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I pray for wisdom and it all seems to be what is best for me.

I decided to get back on the running bandwagon. I actually do love it--although in high school I couldn't run anything over a 400m or I would feel like I was dying. (I was a typical teenage drama queen!) But when I run, it's my alone time with God. Honestly I'll share with you later my testimony but needless to say it had a lot to do with running. So it's like I'm re-igniting an old flame. This morning I woke up at 6:00am and ran 4 miles. It's difficult for this old body to exert so much energy but when I'm finished, it is the best feeling in the world. There is nothing better than the sound of my feet hitting the pavement and my thoughts running wild. At the end of my run, my once jumbled thoughts are aligned, my questions are answered, and I sit back and watch what God has planed for me that day. But the highlight of my run is seeing the sunrise because I feel God's Spirit on the earth.

What are some of the ways you spend alone with God?