Friday, May 17, 2013

Joyce Meyer: Grand Rapids 2013

Yesterday marked our first Christian experience at a M-a-j-o-r event! We were so blessed to be able to attend a Joyce Meyer Conference. It was out of this world! And best of all--my husband loved it and would love to see her again!

Her message last night was about Live 2 Love. It's something that some people admit, claim, and state that they do.....but do they really? I know I don't. I've mentioned before about struggling to do this. As a Christian, we are called to love others--just as Jesus loves us. But some of the problems we face are being quick to judge, never admit when wrong, and pointing fingers. One thing that really stuck out to me last night was that we need to make efforts even when we don't feel like it. We are born inherently selfish and self-centered so we must choose to do these things. Oh and work it at it because this doesn't come naturally to no one.

What I love about Joyce is the fact that she has tried everything else and nothing worked. And because she doesn't preach on anything she hasn't experienced first-hand, she's much happier trying to be a blessing to others rather than always asking God for blessings.

The music was wonderful and what I loved most was seeing my husband notice all the different types of people who where there. It seemed to really connect with him. What I loved most was being around that many Christians worshiping and growing in the Lord--oh and not to mention how many lives were saved when they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That right there is the most important decision one person could EVER make in his/her lifetime.

I'm not going to elaborate how my vehicle broke down several thousand times and taking over 3 hours to get home when it only took an hour to get there. I also won't mention the fact that we ate at the worst McDonald's ever and witnessed one of the meanest people to work for. I will skip the part that my vehicle was chugging so hard that it made us nauseous. But I will mention that my husband and I made wonderful memories. I thanked the Lord about 100 times last night when we made it home safe and sound. Because no matter how bad you think your life is or the situation you are facing--always remember there is someone out there who has it ten times worse.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Adoption Journey (part 1)

Remember a while back when I shared with you the book, "When God Whispers Loudly?" Well that is something that has definitely been going on in my life. God is whispering--VERY LOUDLY! Let me back up a year ago. My husband and I looked into adopting last year...around this time actually. I somehow ended up on this website that shows how many older children are available for adoption and right then and there my heart sank. 

I couldn't get past the thought of "not one single person in their family wants to take care of them." As I started doing research, I noticed that more and more people tend to think it's the children's fault why they are in the system when in all actuality, it's the parent's fault for not being able to take care of them and if a child does act up--I can't blame them. I can only image what it would be like living in so many different foster homes and not having a place to call your home. 

So we started filing out paperwork to adopt an older child and even had a certain child in mind. Someone we could love unconditionally and support. We called an agency and right away we were hit with roadblocks. There were a number of things that were against us and then I prayed. I prayed so hard it hurt. I asked God to show me a sign--literally--to see if we were supposed to take this walk. You may think it's crazy but on the way to work on a Friday I asked God to show me an "Adopt-a-Highway" sign. I looked so hard on my way to work that I got a headache. I saw nothing all day and I had a feeling that this was not the right time. That was on Friday--by Sunday I accepted the fact that it's not God's will for us and boom--there were SIX--count them--1-2-3-4-5-6 Adopt-a-Highway signs I counted on our way to church and one just before the church!

I could not believe how many there were and driving that drive for years, I have never bother to count or can tell you where they were. But that morning, I believe God had removed the shield from my eyes and I was able to see them. Fast forward two months later. My husband's ex-wife called and said she was moving and didn't want to take their daughter with her. So we had an unexpected member of the family living with us. One night while playing basketball, I ran and got the ball and somehow realized that we were not supposed to adopt an older child through the system--HE was preparing us for an older child that just so happens to be my husband's daughter. I cried when I realized His plans for us and was so grateful when I finally made sense of it all. I often think of the older child who started this idea of adoption and I pray from him. All.the.time. He has such a special place in my heart and I hope one day I get to meet him in heaven. 

Now here we are in May and God has made it obvious that we are in the right place for adoption--only this time an infant. We have made it official with our family and closest friends and we have our first meeting with the social worker next week. We are already three times further along in the process this time around and we are so excited. I will save all the details regarding the loud whispers that lead us to try this again on a different blog post. But in the meantime, I give nothing but praise to the Lord that He has called us to adopt!!! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Driving Parked Cars

When I read this, I just about sank into my chair. I wonder how many of us say, "Yes I trust God" but really we are a little afraid or even worried to actually live out our faith. I know that I battle with myself constantly but it is something I'm learning to give up and reap the rewards. If we are willing, HE is able. And that's when the light bulb went off!

I love how God is not forceful. I love how the Holy Spirit will not take control of us without our saying, "Yes, please do come in." The Holy Spirit has such nice manners. If we are not willing to do our part, then why should He? Another way to think about it is if you're in a relationship how fair is it for your partner to do 90 percent of the work while you only do 10 percent? It's not and sooner or later the relationship will fail. If a relationship is supposed to be 50/50 then I want to make sure that I'm doing my part to not only better myself but for His kingdom.

But that's the thing about having a relationship with God, even though He does way more for us than we could ever image, all He asks of us is to believe in Him and love. Do you have that friend or family member that has anything or everything they ever wanted and it's either their birthday or Christmas and you ask yourself, "What do you buy for someone who has everything?" Well how about spending time together. Making memories. That's kind of how I think about giving back to God. What in the world can I give to the One Who created everything??

My love. My trust. My belief in Him.

But part of loving, trusting, and believing is letting Him guide you. Let down your walls and let Him lead.....believe will be better than you can ever imagine.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Morning Run: My Alone Time with God

Lately the events in my life have become
 M-A-J-O-R! Yesterday on facebook I posted a status that said,

"I have experienced it firsthand--if you are obedient to God, He will rain blessings on you. For this, I am so thankful for!"

And it is so true. As I discover my walk with Christ, it is so much easier if I follow His direction. I have been doing that. I pray to hear His voice. I pray that I am sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I pray for wisdom and it all seems to be what is best for me.

I decided to get back on the running bandwagon. I actually do love it--although in high school I couldn't run anything over a 400m or I would feel like I was dying. (I was a typical teenage drama queen!) But when I run, it's my alone time with God. Honestly I'll share with you later my testimony but needless to say it had a lot to do with running. So it's like I'm re-igniting an old flame. This morning I woke up at 6:00am and ran 4 miles. It's difficult for this old body to exert so much energy but when I'm finished, it is the best feeling in the world. There is nothing better than the sound of my feet hitting the pavement and my thoughts running wild. At the end of my run, my once jumbled thoughts are aligned, my questions are answered, and I sit back and watch what God has planed for me that day. But the highlight of my run is seeing the sunrise because I feel God's Spirit on the earth.

What are some of the ways you spend alone with God?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Check, Check....Is this thing on?

Oh hello oh my how times somehow manages to slip away. I feel like I took a sabbatical and wasn't even aware I needed one. My sincere apologies and know that I am back and have some very cool news to share as well as some new revelations and mind-blowing devotions.

There is no excuse for my absence. I did not make any effort to write and that is my own fault. But now that's off my chest, let's dive into a devotional that ignited the spark for me to continue sharing The Good News. This devotional is from the lovely and talented, Joyce Meyer:

 Yearnings in the Night--Apr. 25
 "My soul years for You in the night, yes, my spirit within me seeks You earnestly." Isaiah 26:9 
Nothing can satisfy your longing for God except communion and fellowship with Him. The apostle John wrote, "And the world passes away and disappears, and with it the forbidden cravings of it; but he who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides forever" (1 John 2:17). 
The world makes it easy for you to fill your ears with all kinds of things that drown out the voice of God and push Him far into the background of your life. However, the day comes for every person when only God remains. Everything else in life eventually passes away; when it does, God will still be there. Seek God earnestly tonight and He will abide in you.
 I read this last night and my heart jumped for joy of acknowledgement! It's very difficult to admit that I was filling my heart with all kinds of things that were drowning out the voice of God and clearly by my lack of writing was pushing God in the background. I know that life does happen and not every single day I will be able to write, but I need to make a commitment that it should at least be three days a week. I find that it helps me become more familiar with Him and if I can help just one person understand something a little better or perhaps lead one person to the Lord, then it is worth it.

Thanks so much for hanging in there!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. In the beginning, I thought why is it called Good Friday? Then I realized that today is such an important day that marks His love for us. He died on this day. We remember the sacrifice He made for us. We no longer have to sacrifice animals to cover up our sins. He fulfilled His promise to us. "He is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29) The list goes on an on and that is why it is good. I am thankful for all the promises He has kept and His love for me.

I found this incredible video about His crucifixion and a talented sand artist. I hope you enjoy your day and remember all that He did for us.

Have a Good Friday!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Testimonials--Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

Lately, I've been really interested in hearing how people get saved. I love hearing how each story is so unique to them and in all honesty, why wouldn't it be? That's the God we serve. Everything He does is unique and individualized to us. He knows exactly how to reach each and every single one of us because He created us!

I, along with many millions of other people, love watching Ducky Dynasty. The first episode I saw, I enjoyed it but it wasn't until the very end when they all came together for dinner and prayed. That was when I really thought this show has a much deeper level. I wish there were more shows out there that are more family friendly and inspiring than watching some trashy show of their train-wrecked life.

Whenever discussing this show with my circle of friends, they always ask me who my favorite person is. Each person brings a unique flavor but I must admit it's Phil. What I love about Phil are his views of the world and how passionate he is about the Lord. What he tries to instill in his grandchildren is what I think is missing in many families these days. Here is interview about his journey:

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Silver Ring Thing

This past weekend was FULL of all kinds of wonderful church activities for all of us! We started on Friday night and ended on Sunday night! I loved every single minute of it. Friday night we as a church stuffed over 15,000 Easter eggs full of all kinds of candy for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Let me say it again....over 15,000 eggs! Our Pastor keeps adding more and more eggs every year and I must admit that 15,000 should be the limit. It was fun enjoying the pizza party, indulging in some of the candy--just to taste and make sure the kids would approve ;) and of course enjoying the fellowship with one another.

Saturday was a wonderful day filled with baking, ice fishing, and playing cards with the family. Family time is always amazing and it's encouraging to see my husband sharing his beliefs with his nephew in hopes of getting him saved--hopefully one day soon. Sunday was amazing. We woke up and headed off to Church. I'm donating my time assisting with counting the tithes (which is a learning process) and then we headed off to do our weekly grocery shopping. After coming home and putting everything away, it was time for our "youth group at home" series seems how my step-daughter has withdrawn herself from her local youth groups which she used to participate with.

I am trying out this great series so far...and I'll provide more details later after we give it at least a month test drive. So far, so good! Praise the Lord! My husband headed off to his Men's Bible Study and my step-daughter and I headed off to The Silver Ring Thing.

This was the first I have ever heard of this event and I was super excited about it. We already presented her with a purity ring over the summer and we pray that she will honor it and keep her promise to God and her dad. By attending this event, it seemed she had recommitted herself and I hope she got what she needed. There were some real captivating stories shared by many people and some were heartfelt and some were emotional. I highly encourage attending this event. Buy as many tickets as you can and get as many teenagers to go and experience this. 

They also had a parent session and had a lot of items for sale to help initiate the sex talk and then the parents were allowed in to view the rest of the show. Again, a great time with a great message and a realistic look of other teenagers who are willing to wait until they are married. It seemed to really put it into perspective for her that she's not alone and it's cool to be able to say to your future spouse...."I waited for you!"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rejoice in Today

Upon waking up this cold and snowy morning, I thanked God for today. I am well aware that none of the situations were resolved last night and that's okay with me because it's not my timing, it's God's timing. I also thanked Him for giving me another day/opportunity to live this life and to fulfill His plans. I look around and give thanks for all that I have and even the things that I don't currently have. I look at all the love I have not only with my family and friends but also the many pets that sleep with us and I am very thankful for all of them. 

As I was driving to work, I couldn't help but smile when the sun is in my eyes because there are many days that I don't get to see it and feel its warmth. I am glad that God is full of grace and mercy because every time I make a mistake (which is a lot) I know that He's there ready to forgive me of it, once I ask for it. I am learning that just because one part of my life may be heading south doesn't mean the rest of my life is. So be glad in the good things in life, and most importantly be glad in the bad things in life because that's God's way of helping us grow and shaping us to be the person we are supposed to be!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday Devotional

I struggle daily with my limits. I struggle because as a new wife and a step-mom, where do I draw the line? It's difficult raising not only a teenager (who just moved in with us less than a year ago), but also a teenager who is not mine and I don't want to cross any lines with her dad/my husband and her biological mom. Last night I prayed for guidance. I prayed for help to know when and what to say and even when to let go. This morning's devotional was just what I needed.

Relax! God is Working--March 19
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]" Matthew 11:28
 Being relaxed feels wonderful. Being nervous, tense, and worried are not so wonderful. Why aren't more people relaxed? Jesus said if we are weary and overburdened, we should go to Him and He will give us rest, relaxation, and ease (see Matt. 11:28-29). Jesus wants to teach us the right way to live, which is different from the way most of the world lives. 
It would be putting it mildly to say that I was an uptight woman for the first half of my life. I simply did not know how to relax, and it was due to me not being willing to completely trust God. I trusted God for things, but not in things. I kept trying to be the one in control. Even though God was in the driver's seat of my life, I kept one hand on the wheel just in case He took a wrong turn. Relaxation is impossible without trust! 
If you know you can't fix the problem you have, then why not relax while God is working on it? It sounds easy, but it took many years for me to be able to do this. I know from experience that the ability to relax and go with the flow in life is dependent upon our willingness to trust God completely. If things don't go your way, instead of being upset, you can believe that getting your way was not what you needed. God knew that, so He gave you what was best for you, instead of what you wanted. 
If you are waiting much longer than you had hoped to, you can get frustrated, angry, and upset or you can say, "God's timing is perfect; He is never late. And my steps are ordered by the Lord." Now you can relax and simply go with the flow of what is happening in your life. When it comes to things that are out of our control, we can either ruin the day or relax and enjoy it while God is working on the situation. As long as we believe, God keeps working! 
Trust in Him: How relaxed are you? Your answer is directly related to how much you trust God. It may take you many years like it did me, to fully trust Him, but each day will be better and better as you trust more and learn to relax.

After reading this twice, typing it, and praying about it over my morning exercise, I will let go, relax, and know that God is in control. As a step-parent, I don't have a say over many things because there are other parents involved. It's difficult being a step-parent but knowing some of the situations that arise will be out of my control is something that I'm going to have to give to God and know that He's taking care of it.  I am considering all these situations as a way of Him teaching me how to handle my own children--someday.

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son/The Lost Son...either way it is know to you, it is a very popular parable in the Bible. But in all honesty, the very first time I read it, I not only didn't quite understand it, but I also took the side of the older brother. Here is the story for you to read if you need a refresher:

The Parable of the Lost Son
11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them.13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father.“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.
25 “Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26 So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on.27 ‘Your brother has come,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’28 “The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. 29 But he answered his father, ‘Look! All these years I’ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. 30 But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!’31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. 32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”

Now if you are anything like me and have an affinity for David Jeremiah, check out his video that explains it all. He has such a way to put it into easy ways for me to understand and I'm so thankful for him. Believe me, you'll thank me later ;)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Bridge to Heaven

You know that saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words." Well I believe it with all my heart. People cherish photos because it is one instance where a moment of time is captured. I have seen some of the most incredible photos lately of the cross and this photo is not only mind blowing, but also the quote. 

I was scrolling through some inspirational images from The Bible Series' website and this stopped me in my tracks....well honestly several stopped me and I'll be sharing those with you as well but this one gave me goose bumps. 

Behold my dear readers........

In this life, only one Man can make a bridge to Heaven, and he did it with only two pieces of wood.

It's so true when you think about it. There's only one way to heaven. Let's pretend that on the left side there is sin and on the right side is heaven. But what is separating between the right and left in an enormous gap that can't be crossed on your own. There's no swing, no boat, no ladder....nothing to get you across other than believing in Jesus. He's the bridge. He's the answer. He's the reason.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday Devotional

Lately, I've been experiencing God working in my life....tremendously. He's definitely moving and making things happen. On the other hand, I can't help but notice some people taking for granted all the blessings they have been given and not very appreciative of all they have.

This is always a touchy subject because I don't want to come off as nagging. So I turn to prayer. I pray that the Holy Spirit will enter them and change their heart so they can see the world differently. I pray that they can be thankful for all the little things in life. I pray that they would see the big picture and want to change their entire outlook. This would be a huge undertaking for any given person--but not for God. So I sit back and be patient.

I am leaving you with a wonderful devotion to help clear up any complaints. Because yes I've been there and seen it all. Even the shelters and the soup kitchens.

Mumbles and Murmurs

"There are inveterate murmurers who complain, going after their own desires." Jude 1:16

Sometimes it seems the whole world is complaining. There is so much grumbling and murmuring and so little gratitude and appreciation. People complain about their job and their boss when they should be thankful to have regular work and appreciate the fact they are not living in a shelter for the homeless or standing in a soup line. Many people would be thrilled to have that job, despite its imperfections. They would be more than willing to put up with a not-so-perfect boss in order to have a regular income, live in their own home, and cook their own food.

Maybe you need a better paying job or perhaps you have a boss who treats you unfairly. That is unfortunate, but the way out is not through complaining. Give God thanks tonight for every blessing He has given you.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Romans 8:28

"And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28. I have repeated and written it down hundreds of times to try to memorize it. Romans 8:28 is our verse we as a church are attempting to memorize. I literally only have 4 verses memorized. I don't know how people can spout off a ton of verses during any random conversation and not miss a beat, but I'm okay with slowly learning.

The more this verse sinks in, the more I enjoy it. Here's my attempt of the breakdown and why I'm loving it.

And we know that in ALL things: did you notice that? A-L-L things. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Just because we are believers doesn't mean that bad or ugly things won't happen to us. For such a small, three-lettered word it really does have such a huge impact because ALL things are made up of everything.

God works for the good of those who love Him: If you are a God-seeker, then you will want to do good in the eyes of the Lord and in turn, the Lord will bless you because of His undeniable love He has for us. Love...another powerful word.

Who have been called according to His purpose: This really is the icing on the cupcake. When I realized that I was put here for a reason...a purpose...not my purpose....but His purpose it all makes sense. If I have been created, then clearly the CREATOR knows a lot more than me and has everything all planned out. So why would I not want to live according to His purpose instead of my own? I know what my life was like without Jesus and with Jesus and believe me.....with Jesus it's better. Why? Because the worst day is better with Him than any good day without Him.

What is your favorite bible verse?

Friday, February 22, 2013

Word Cloud

The other day I was trying to figure out how I can share the love I have for God on my facebook page. I was surfing the internet and I came across this website called Wordle. I instantly fell in love and I wanted a word cloud to be my facebook timeline cover photo (or whatever it's called). Ironically enough, the only thing I was missing were words. I noticed there was a place that you can include a link and it will search a website and create the cloud using all its common words. 

Problem solved.

I typed in this blog address and look at what came out!! I was so happy with the results, I converted it into a photo and uploaded it to facebook. Voila!! I absolutely love how big the words God and Love are! It makes me happy  to see where the direction of this blog is heading. 

Feel free to check out the link to the wordle I created:

And here's the link to make one for yourself (if you feel so inclined):

Thursday, February 21, 2013

In the Media

Politics? Religion? about no! That was me before I became a believer. I was not interested in hearing anything that had to do with politics or religion--but I was not rude about it either (at least I didn't think I was). I just didn't get it. I didn't want to put forth the time to research and think about big picture stuff and in all honesty, I didn't want to listen. It's amazing how God changes people! Although I don't believe I'm "religious" I surely have a "relationship" with Jesus.

I am a HUGE fan of Glenn Beck. I love listening to his radio program and I enjoy watching his evening program as well. He has been a huge political influence on my life. Here is a short clip I found regarding the Carnival Cruise that left thousands of people stranded. Take a little over a minute and tell me what you think. This clip is found on The Blaze's website.

At first I thought it was rude that he cut her off right in the middle of a sentence. Now was it because she was about ready to quote a verse from the Bible? Or did time run out for the segment? Not sure really what the issue was, but instead of getting irritated, I realized this is the way society has evolved. God, Jesus, and the Bible are not embraced. I think despite the abrupt end of the interview, the young lady handled it well and didn't give up. She could have done a number of things to get her message across but she remained cool, calm, and collective. She gave people the opportunity to look it up themselves. Not sure how many unbelievers would actually take that step on their own, but I did and here's the message:

Joshua 1:9

New International Version (NIV)
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Instead of getting upset, the best thing to do is pray. Pray for people to hear the Word of God and to have God change their hearts. Pray that people recognize the difference between right and wrong and always choose right. On another note, here's another video that shows, Yes there still is hope in the world!

What are your opinions on the media?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Bible

I have been counting down the Sundays for this show to air. To be completely honest, I'm both nervous and excited. Remember the post when I said, "Don't judge a book by its movie?" Well lets hope that this does not distort the truth for the sake of Hollywood.

I really think it could help spread the Word. I know so many people that are intimidated to read the Bible and although it is not a way to soak up the Word as the main course, it is a great appetizer or a sampler to get a taste for it and hopefully will spark some interest so unbelievers and believers alike will crave the Word.

Mark your calendar folks, starting March 3rd (unsure of the time) on the History channel, The Bible will be on air for a duration of 2 hours and will air every Sunday until Easter. Yep, it's going to be good five weeks. Here's some more info you can check out:

Here's the video to the official trailer:

Here's a song, "Mary Did You Know" performed by Ceelo Green:

On a side-note, I registered for an account at just to get me even more anxious. It's filled with great photos, behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, and anything else you can image. The layout is pretty similar to Pinterest mixed with some functions of facebook. Seems how I'm kicking out the videos, I might as well share their youtube channel.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday Devotional

This weekend was a whirlwind. Without getting into too many details, my husband and I had to exercise our parental rights and discipline his child that was in no way acting God-honoring. I am so very thankful that God gave us the wisdom to handle the situation and hopefully time will tell if the situation has been corrected and we can slowly rebuild the trust again. I can't help but think how many other Christian families are struggling raising their teenage children when God has been absent for a majority of their lives. I was never raised with God in my home and my step-child has been 13 years without it.

Here's the silver lining: We didn't have to do much but stand our ground, listen to God, and work as a team. Despite the negative situation, God was moving so much that weekend. I saw it, my husband saw it, and most of all his child saw it. God definitely convicted her of her bad decisions and I'm so thankful to have witnessed it. Believe it or not, it has made our marriage stronger and my husband has really stepped up being the spiritual leader in our house. I can only praise God for that and I'm so proud of my husband for doing so.

I plan on making a copy of this and taping it her room so she can be reminded that we may not be there to always push her to make right decisions, you have to ability to choose for yourself and when in doubt, ask God.

A Heart of Flesh

"I will give them one heart and I will put a new spirit within them; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 11:19

God puts a sense of right and wrong deep within your conscience, but if you rebel too many times, you can become hard-hearted. If that happens, you need to let Him soften your heart so you can be sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

The only way to develop a heart of flesh is to spend time with God. You must be in His presence on a regular basis to hear what He is saying. God often speak gently, and those who are busy doing their own thing will not hear His still, small voice. Tonight as you spend time in the Lord's presence, ask Him to soften your heart so you can receive His direction at all times.

Friday, February 15, 2013

What Does Love Mean to You?

So in case you missed it, yesterday was Valentine's Day. It seemed no matter where I went it was right there in my face. Yes I realize it is a day of love, flowers, and chocolates and yes I  did have my fair share of chocolates.....well actually heart-shaped York Peppermint Patties to be exact. They are my kryptonite! But I honestly feel it is such an overrated "holiday."

But with everyone buzzing about the day, I wonder what does love mean to you? I was listening to Family Life Radio on my way home from work and some people were saying what their definition of love was. Here are few from the show and a few from others I have encountered:

  • love is when someone scarifies for you
  • love is when someone covers up your feet when they are cold and hanging out of a blanket
  • love is when someone takes their coat off and gives it to you when you're cold. 
  • love is when you can't get enough a person
  • love is being faithful and honest
  • love is seen in how we treat people
  • love is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties (definition from Merriam-Webster dictionary)

You see there are so many definitions of love. And not only that....but are so many different kinds of love. There's love for something that tastes good, love for your husband or wife, love for your kids, love for music, love for your neighbor (or lack thereof). The word LOVE is such a beautiful word but it also is a word that is tossed around way too much when people don't really mean it.

Now let me share with you my version of love that is never-ending. God is love. And if one could actually wrap their minds about how much love the Lord has for us....we would be blown away. His love is so great that He actually became one of us and sacrificed His life for us. Each and every single person. I know that I struggle to look a some people and think, "Okay God, how am I supposed to see the love You have for this person?" But just because they are different than us, or may not act the same as us, doesn't mean that God doesn't love them and therefore we shouldn't.

His gift of love is one of the greatest gifts we can receive. And that my dear friends was my Valentine's revelation. I am so thankful for His love, grace, and mercy for me. I'm leaving you with a video that I hear in church on many occasions...."Amazing love, how can it be, that you my King would die for me......"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why Do I Blog?

After signing up for the Faithful Bloggers directory, their question was, "Why do you blog?" I thought it was a good question because I want to make sure my motives are right. I don't intend for this to be a career. I don't intend to make any money, and I don't plan on quitting my job. My only intention is to share the love of Jesus with my own personal story and experiences and hopefully make a difference in just one person's life.

At first I was hesitant because seems how I am a fairly new believer, I thought what do I really have to offer? I'm in no way, shape, or form a bible scholar but I thought there must be others like me that struggle and want to learn and grow in Christ with real life experiences. Just because I don't have a degree in theology doesn't mean I can't share the Good News. We are all disciples and have the freedom to share with everyone (and should). God created each one of us for different purposes. We have have different talents and desires and that is a wonderful thing because if we all did the same thing, the world would be pretty boring. Jesus said to the 11 after he was resurrected: Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Mark 16:15So here I am....putting myself out there. I will be here as long as it is God's will.

1 Corinthians 16:6-7

Perhaps I will stay with you awhile, or even spend the winter, so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go. I do not want to see you now and make only a passing visit; I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday Devotional

Listen for God's Voice

"And your ears will hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it...." Isaiah 30:21

Most of the time, God does not speak to  us in an audible voice, we hear Him in our hearts. Sometimes He speaks by reminding us of a truth or principle from His word; sometimes He gives us thoughts or ideas we would not have had on our own; sometimes we simply have a strong sense of knowing what to do. We need to quiet all the noise in our lives and become sensitive to God's still, small voice. We need to choose to listen to God because he will speak to us.

God does not only speak in the urgent or important matter of life. He also guides us in the most seeming insignificant situations. I was on my way home one day and intended to stop and get a cup of coffee, when I had a strong impression that I should call my secretary and see if she wanted a cup, too. When I called, she said, "I was just standing here thinking, I would love a good cup of coffee right now." You see, God wanted to give her the desire of her heart, and He wanted to work through me. I did  not hear a loud voice or see an angel, nor did I have a vision; I simply had an inner sensing that I should offer her a cup of coffee. As a result, we both experienced great joy in knowing God cares about the smallest details of our lives.

Quite often we ignore little things like this. The more we do, the harder it is to develop sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. If someone is on your heart, I encourage you to pray for that person or call him or her and say, "I was just thinking of you." You never know how a seemingly small thing like a phone call can alter a person's day or maybe even change someone's life. Let me encourage you today to keep your heart sensitive to God's voice. He will speak to your heart and lead you in the way you should go.

Trust in Him: Remember this; each time we disobey God, it becomes more difficult to hear Him the next time He speaks; but every time we trust Him, it gets easier to hear and be led by His Spirit. What is God saying to you today?

Monday, February 11, 2013

How Are We Being Like Jesus?

So yesterday I got my church on! I've been looking forward to attending all week; it's almost like I had a feeling that something good was going to happen. Lately, I've been feeling like I've been in tuned with God. When I mentioned or thought about something, I would see it come to life the next day. Sometimes I get a little freaked out about it, then I realize that I am recognizing and following God's voice and it's amazing to see it unfold.

The message at church today was again about love. How to love your neighbor/enemy and how if you loved everyone then there would be no other problems. If you loved your neighbor you would not want to steal from them, lie to them, or kill them. It makes sense. A question that was asked was, "How are we being like Jesus?"

Pastor Chad would ask some thought provoking questions then he would say, "Let that rock your theology for a bit." He's pretty hip with the lingo. It's so funny how one little question, when really thought about, can carry such deep issues. How are we like Jesus? How am I like Jesus? And really the answer for me is so far from it. It's hard to look at everyone with the love of God. It's hard to forgive, it's hard to not take offense, and I wouldn't lay down my life for just anyone. But He did. He did all those things. Why? Because of love.

It's amazing to consider that no way in this lifetime will I ever be completely like Jesus. And just because I know there's no way to reach that level of perfection, it's not like I'm throwing in the towel and reverting back to my sinful ways because I can't. I take a look at my life and I thank God for changing me, even if it is slow process. I consider myself a diamond in the rough. I may have a rough exterior but with God's help, He's slowly shining me up. And what's even more amazing to think about is no matter what stage I am in, I/we are always one of His prized possessions.

If you are in the mood for some more reading, check out this awesome article about the analogy of people and diamonds:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Taking Offense

Got to love Google and their photos!
I'm going to ask you a serious often do you get offended? Seriously? To me it's a serious question to ask because people can take offense quite easily and  hold grudges forever. It's a very delicate subject because I don't think people (myself included) really think about it and are honest with themselves. Why do we get offended and why do we hold grudges?

One of the things we can do to try not to get so offended is to automatically think, "no matter what happens or is said, I forgive you." I dare you to try it. It's sooooo hard but if you think about who it is actually hurting holding on to grudges and getting mad about how rude some people are, you are the one it hurts the most. How is that possible? Well because every time that person's name is brought up you may instantly get upset and have unpleasant thoughts or get mad inside causing you to fester and slowly rot. Do you really think that's God plan for you? Absolutely not! By not forgiving, you are losing out on God's best for your life.

Free yourself and try to forgive. If you are having a difficult time, maybe you and your pride need to have a little chit chat. Pride is such an awful sin and is so deceiving. I am a sinner saved by His grace just like the next Christian and I deal with these same problems and I have to remind myself to not get upset--daily.  You will come in contact with those people. It's a part of life, but the big question will you handle it?

 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8-9

And because I'm feeling like sharing a little music is a great one about forgiveness:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Representing Christ

My soft spot for David Jeremiah is kicking in full swing today. I just have so much respect for him and I love how sincere he is and the way he delivers his messages. I was watching his sermon on t.v. last week and heard he had a magazine. Of course I signed up for it but I also signed up for his newsletter. While reading his message, one sentence popped out at me, "None of us knows when we'll be noticed by the crowds; but all of us are noticed by someone each day."

And at that moment, I asked myself whether or not I represent Christ in a positive way? While walking down the street, grocery shopping, watching a basketball game, or while at work? At all these places their are a lot of people around. So much so that even though I don't like the thought of admitting it, but we all judge people. I've heard a lot of unbelievers say that Christians are the number one hippocrates. And it may be true, but I am a sinner just the like unbeliever but the only difference between us is I am saved by His grace. 

If I am trying to share the Gospel with someone, are they going to see the fruit of the Spirit? Are they going to feel the love of Jesus? I want to be a good role model for the body of Christ--even on my bad days. So I'll leave you with that thought and the entire devotion from his website.

Weekend, February 2 & 3
Words from the Wise: David

And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. 
1 Samuel 18:14

Recommended Reading
1 Samuel 18:12-16
When was the last time you saw a young superstar, political leader, celebrity, or youthful VIP who was truly wise? There are a few of them, but most hotshots don't have the maturity to handle early fame. That's why so many NFL players get into trouble, and why so many rock superstars die young. Even Susan Boyle -- no spring chicken -- struggled with renown after becoming an overnight sensation on Britain's Got Talent. She told the Today Showthat sudden fame is "a lot like a giant demolition ball."

But God can give wisdom to both young and old, both famous and obscure. When the shepherd-boy David suddenly became famous after defeating Goliath, he behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him. None of us knows when we'll be noticed by the crowds; but all of us are noticed by someone each day. If we learn God's wisdom in obscurity, we'll be able to practice it whatever comes. How can you behave a little more wisely today?

If you lack knowledge, go to school. If you lack wisdom, get on your knees. 
Vance Havner

P.S.  On a side note, I have been added to the Faithful Bloggers directory! I am so honored and so happy that God is working on sharing this little piece of the internet with the world. Praise the Lord! Be sure to check out their directory and visit some other great, inspirational blogs!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Left Behind Series

If you are looking for a book that is filled with Jesus, action, adventure, heartbreak, love, and so much more, than I definitely suggest reading the Left Behind Series. In all honesty, these books contributed to helping me get saved. I started reading it as unbeliever and through a variety of events, I accepted Jesus in my heart.

I am currently finishing up reading Assassins and can't wait to get through the entire series--only 6 more books to go. If you are super busy and can't find the time to read these books, here's an awesome website that has the dramatic audio so you can hear it acted out. I did watch the first two movies....and I'm glad I stuck with the books. I heard this awesome quote that says, "Don't judge a book by its movies" and boy is that the truth. Typical that the movies never do the books justice.

If you have children who love to read, they also wrote this for the young adult. I haven't personally read it myself, but if it is anything like the original version, than I suspect it to be amazing as well. I know that the local Christian store (Cook's Christian) have these available to lend out if you don't want to purchase the books. It's like a local Christian library.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Recharging My Batteries

Some days (like last night) I get exhausted--physically. I feel like it's a sturggle to get through the work day and to be involved in my family activites afterwards. But in special moments, something happens just at the right time I need it. Case in point, the sun in all its glory shines so bright on this wintry day just at the exact time I need it and I feel recharged. I thank the Lord for being able to view these beautiful landscapes He has created and even though I'm exhaused, I know He'll give me the strength to finish the day.

Another thing that recharges my batteries is when I read my Bible. It is something I crave and it is alive to me. All the stories and messages are so real and vivid and I feel like I'm there.  For something that was written thousands of years ago and still pertain to today's messed-up society, only can be from God. I may not literally have an ox or a donkey in my backyard but the principles are still the same.

I remember when I first became a believer I would only get my information from church and do nothing the entire rest of the week and in all honestly drag myself to church because I felt it was the right thing to do. Fast forward to over a year later and now and I LOVE going to church. I love hearing the message and I love sharing it as well. It's amazing what God can do to people and even though this blog is just an outlet to express His love for us, my prayer is that at least one person can get something out of it and feel the love of God.

"The Lord is my strength and my shield;
    my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.
My heart leaps for joy
    and I will give thanks to him in song." Psalm 28:7

Here's a great video to complement the scripture: